Momma took her cape off---for just one moment...

So here we are, a new year!!!  I have not posted in such a while, just about a month has gone by... Things are busy, they really are, and yes I have time to blog, but I choose to sit and stare at pintrest, or the wall instead!

I did have not so Great intentions about writing about this upcoming year--- not necessarily resolutions, but maybe more like intentions, However, we all know how that went----

So we have recently just had our first minor (or major) depending on how you look at it, parenting Crisis. We are all ok, we all survived, BUT it was rough and tough...

So Tuesday night, well early morning, I was awakened by Andrew sneaking off downstairs... I knew something was up.....  A bit of time passed and muffled noises and he came back up to bed.... I rolled over, looked at him (barely) and ever so gracefully asked--"So which end is it coming out of?" The mouth-- he replied.... RUT-ROH!  We are in trouble... The remainder of the night he was in and out of bed.... When he gets sick HE REALLY GETS IT!
The morning came, I got up and got Owen ready, dropped him off at daycare, brought some gatorade, ginger ale home, and headed off to work!  Wow look at me incredible immune system!  I sure do know how to rock it!
So, on my way back home from work at 1:30... I so did not last the day.... I started to panic.. Andrew was pretty lifeless in bed, like seriously, can not move, I am starting to get it---- WHAT IN THE WORLD DO WE DO?????? Seriously, and I can be sick, no issues, however, when vomiting enters my world, I am absolutely toast...... So what does a girl do? Calls the next best thing to her own momma-- calls her mother in law (Bawling). Letting her know that we were contagious, but wondering if there could be any assistance--- of course she came (THANKFULLY).

So there were a few moments that I went back and forth-- no I can deal with this, I don't need help, I have been through much worse then this and I survived, We can just chill in bed filled with sickness together and get over it, -- But then I remembered that was then-- Then being a time before having a very active 17 month old.... What if it hit him too-- how are we ever going to do this? So I started planning out in my head logically how I could handle this, and then I realized---- I may not be able to handle it. SO I took off my "super hero" cape for just an evening and I struggled but allowed assistance and appreciated every single moment of it.

So since I am here typing, it is obvious that we survived, still not 100% but good enough... Yes, my mother in law got sick too--- even though she said that she is around it all the time and it is no big deal--- it was extremely appreciated that she put herself into our germ infested home to help us out!!!

However, on the bright side of things--- as of right now, little man did not get it!!! YAHOO!!! And there is even a breakout at daycare with this bug-----However, the reason I think he did not get it, is ohhhh because he has a rotten cold, and his wait-for-it 4th ear infection since the middle of Nov. He is now on his 4th round of antibiotics, and we will be visiting our Dr. this week to get a referral for an ENT. Since the middle of November he has been on antibiotics for 30 days, and now after this course will be a total of 35 days!  That is over a month with this stuff in his system-- all different kinds, and this infection has not fully gone away.  So-- ya..... Tubes it may be, pretty sure it will be. Besides this child's constant ear infections--- he has been doing great!!!!

Here's my happy boy ear infection and a nasty cold can't stop him from beaming!



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