Some of the suff "They" never told you-- but I will!

There is a lot of this stuff-- You know, the TRUTH about being a parent? Ya, I never read this in any of the books--- the emotional, mental, and physical drainage a toddler has on you in the short span of 1.5 hours... No wonder I am exhausted each and every night!  Lets take a look at what I am talking about---

So here we are (above)-- having a bit of a FIT, I actually can't remember what this one was about, but maybe it was provoked by me taking pictures- and yes, I sat there and did not comfort him physically and took photos-- I was talking to him, but my main priority was the photo! Fits- those are different from I want my mom cry- or I am so hungry cry, or I am so tired cry (however this one often turns into a FIT!)  With the meltdown/freakout/fit/hissyfit.. (and whatever word you would like to insert here) cry, you have to choose a strategy that works for you-- It does not necessarily have to work for the toddler just you really, as you are ultimately the one who will need to calm down.  One of my go to's is good old planned ignoring. I can judge when this will be successful and when it wont be... 

Today it was successful (for a minute). Look at him-- just beautiful, content!!!   He is absolutely adorable.. You know what-- he has my nose... Just a little side note!.. So let's just say this lasted for 5 minutes, we need to give him a little credit!!!  This is what happened next...    (picture to the right) This was another FIT-- over the snack cupboard. He wanted me to pick him up for the 3rd time since we came home (about 20 min) and let him look in the cupboard for another snack, and of course it was one of which there was none left. He loves yoggie melts, well that is what I call them-- those freeze dried yoghurt thingies... Well he had a bowl with a cut up apple, blue berries, then he wanted crackers and yoggie melts, and now he wants yoggie melts again, but he ate them all.. So, not being able to understand the world, he proceeds to have a FIT.

Oh wait, a distraction---                            

FOR ABOUT 27 SECONDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is when he turns off the little barn that makes sounds and the farmer plays his banjo! Then gets frustrated because he is pushing the button to hear the sounds, but doesn't know why it isn't working.. Momma showed him he turned it off and how to turn it back on again... this went on for a good 7-8 minutes, back and forth happy-FIT-happy-FIT... Like watching a game of tennis, your head goes side to side watching the ball.... Wow!

He is an absolute delight, please do not take this as anything else, this is just the real reality of what it is like, you know, the ones "they" don't share with you....    

And let me tell you-- seconds and minutes seem like HOURS and HOURS at times, but it is ingrained in my head   "This too shall pass" and it most certainly did!

He absolutely Loves playing with his toys!!!!! As a mom you sit there and watch him learning, discovering, being creative and imaginative! You have absolute pride in your boy, you are in such awe of his development.... You just sit stare and enjoy the moment!

      And then you have your heart melt with these tender moments.. Waiting for daddy at the door- So excited when he gets home, a big welcome home kiss, and you just want to sit there and take it all in.. Your heart is so happy it even gets you a little weepy----

But that only lasts for a few seconds--- and FIT attacks again!!!!

But then that only lasts for a few moments
                                                 And then the world is a better place!

And no wonder I have no clue if I am coming or going these days...........



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