Too Fast

It has been really tough lately for this momma… I have really been struggling with the fact that O man is growing up, and growing up very very fast. Here take a look, and you will see
I think the idea of him growing up scares me because as he grows up he becomes more independent, as he becomes more independent, he becomes less dependent on me. Lets be honest, we ALL love the fact that there is someone in our lives who are fully dependent on us-- we all love the feeling of being needed, and I think we need to have this feeling.
As well with the selfish side of it, there is a protective momma bear side. As he gets older, the less I will be able to protect him. I worry about his wee little heart, getting broken, whether it be by a friend, family member, or a partner….

In a few short months he is going to be 3. I know there are some of you out there who will say, just wait until…… I know, I get it, I just want things to wait a little longer.

By no means do I want another baby, I just want him to stay as a baby….. Selfish- Absolutely!

He talks about his friends at school, he clues in to what is going on around him, he is developing empathy, it is amazing…. He did see me crying one day and came over, rubbed my arm and said, mom, you ok?! And of course that just makes you cry even more…..  He sure is one special little fella.

I am excited for his life too. Definitely.  

This is just one of many universal truths.. We all grow up… (well, at least, we all get older)



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