
So I am trying to remember when it first started, I believe it was about 3.5-4 weeks ago.
Something has gotten into my little beautiful boy and has fully taken over. A full body possession...

Don't you dare ever believe people when they say oh oh watch out for the terrible twos.. F that shit. Bloody ridiculous threes. No lie.

Little (possessed) man will be 3 this upcoming weekend. And I think it is fair to say he started a few weeks earlier....

Maybe it is not so bad, but because we have had it pretty easy peasy up until now, it seems way worse than it is, well I don't care how it really is all I know is that it SUCKS!
Here is what our typical day looks like

7:00am-- mommy goes in to wake little man.. "Oh honey, it is time to wake up"
                 " Go Away mom, I sleep"  and it begins, no school, leave me alone, etc etc etc
Ends with me counting to three to help him to the toilet ( ohh and he hates when I help.... I do it myself! I a big boy mom!

7:10-15-- down stairs for warm milk.. Mommy has to get the cup, not dad, and then mom needs to sit beside him as he drinks it (not dad) 

7:20- mom says you have 10 minutes to play before we get dressed to go to school
         "No mom, I no play." Ok then I say.
7:25- ok, you have 5 min to play..... No mom no play...

7:30- ok, let's get dressed-- noooooooooooo I play mommy - throws self on floor screaming and crying.
           Sorry bud, but we are running out of time. Then we both get frustrated he kicks hits me, I think thoughts that I won't share, and I dress him. 
Sunscreen- well sometimes he wears it, sometimes I choose to pick my battles..... If it is cloudy- then no way is it going on him..... Maybe if it is sunny, and it remind him he would have to stay in at school if he doesn't wear it.

The shoes, put your shoes on... No mommy I want boots. Winter boots... Your winter boots are too small.. Screams at top of lungs----- booooooooooooots hits and kicks me.
So I get the boots (stored in the closet). He is soo happy, knowing I "gave in".  Gives me a bit of a smirk and proceeds to put the boots on.... He again starts screaming top of lungs--- it hurts, no fit ahhhhh.   Yup. You're right!  Here are your shoes. Ohh no? You want those ones? Sure
Mommy will bring all the damn shoes to school for you.

Then we get outside, he demands we drive daddy's car. I let him know again that we drive mommys car and mommy doesn't know how to drive daddy's. This is where he throws himself on the ground (YET AGAIN) and screams. 

Get to the car it is now 7:40. I open the door he proclaims... Alright... His hand slips a few times, damn dew on the car... Gets angry, cries and hits the car.finally allows me to open the door. Ok, get in. I do it he says... He gets in his car seat... As I am buckling him up, he thinks it is great to grab my glasses, throw them on the floor and pull my hair. He.laughs.ALOT.

I close his door is get in the seat and start the car.he wants the radio really really loud, and lucky for me it is talking at this point.. So we drive off with talk radio going on at full blast.

We get to his daycare, 7:45-7:50 (not even 5 min drive)... He gets out of the car, and I have to remember that I can not open the gate, neither can anyone else. So we wait for him to open it. And he HAS to close it while we wait 5 minutes for that van that just pulled in and we wait for them to go in first.

His independence is amazing, but difficult at the same time. He refuses to change his shoes, and has to open the door to his classroom, or it is game over. Then I go in there with him, I hug and kiss him and he looks right smack into my eyes and says I love you mommy........

GAH! The last 45 minutes have been total bullshit, but I love you too cowboy, with all my heart... Have a good day!

That is how it goes....... Oh wait, that is the typical morning, not the day..... Maybe I will get to the rest another time.....


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