An Afternoon Well Spent

I love to picnic. I really do. Any chance I get to have a picnic we do it! Today was a fabulous day to do it as well. Even though the temperature was a million degrees, it was totally beautiful where we were today! There is this fabulous place on Trafalgar road called Scotsdale Farm , we have been there a few times and I LOVE LOVE it there!
We were under some great big trees which gave us the shade we desperately needed on a day like to day, and fortunately there was a wonderful breeze. We ended up being there for about 3 hours.

There is something about this place that I find extremely peaceful. I think it is also the sound of the wind blowing through the trees and when you are at a beautiful place like this with the 2 most wonderful ones in your life, really, nothing. else. matters.

We often find ourselves in the middle of work, life, family, relationship, stress and we lose touch of what life is really about and forget to take the moments needed to recharge. Today was one of those. At first I was a little worried that there was a LIST of stuff I should be doing, but then I realized, that really, this is exactly what I should be doing. We spent 3-4 hours out sitting on a blanket, talking, eating, loving, and most of all, just being. We were both fully there, no technology, no phone, no distraction, just us and our little man. These are the moments I cherish so close to my heart, these are the moments I need more in my life.



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