
Thank heavens for my nose ring and new hair cut or my return to work would not have been as smooth as it was!
I have been back at work for a week and a half, and to be honest it has been pretty great.
There are so many factors as to why it has been great, but I will give the top 2. First one: Owen is at home with his dad! Second one: I love my job.

It is extremely busy at work, and I prefer it that way so I am not wasting the day wanting to be at home, and it has not been difficult to get back into the swing of things. EXCEPT for this pure exhaustion I feel! WOW! I am good all through the day, but then once I get home, I swear I could fall right a sleep and stay that way until morning. I hope it gets better--- or at least, I hope I get used to it!

One thing I have noticed, I don't know if this is because of having a baby or because I am just tired of things, but I really don't have the patience for stupid shit any more. Sorry for being a potty mouth, but you know? Every work place has their issues, and what really used to bother me before, I just have no patience to deal with it. Same with things in life, no patience, I don't need the complexity of other peoples issues to complicate my life...  (ohhh how selfish!)

So the past few weeks I have been slacking in my visits to the Y, however I did decide that I was going to join a class. Total body... Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 6:15-7:00.  I went Tuesday.... I have never ever in my life gotten my ass kicked as much as I did that morning. WOWZERS! However, I am pretty proud of myself that I did the whole class, and I even pushed myself to the point that I convinced myself I was invincible... Buahaha, soo invincible that I did not make it to my Thursday morning class because I could not even lift my arms high enough to tuck hair behind my ears........ I am well now, and will return this week, and I will use the lighter weights as the instructor directed me to use, and did not listen......

I think Owen has loved being at home with dad, and I think dad has loved being home with Owen! What a win-win situation. I have some stress about childcare because I don't have a concrete plan, we are on the wait list at a few centres, however, it is difficult because only a few centres offer childcare at 12 months. But if the centre option falls through, I have a few options, but I just don't know.....

Owen has been great. He is SOOOO busy these days. Up and down, up and down, all around AND fast!  He was always army crawling, (using one leg to push himself, and then really just pulled himself with his arms) but he would crawl on the carpet, figured the floor and tiles hurt his wee little knees... Well, apparently they don't hurt him enough because now he is crawling everywhere and doing it FAST!
He climbed the whole flight of stairs (of course with supervision) and is just everywhere!  (I am glad that I  spend my days at work) he is SOO busy...

His new thing, the cats... Of course he was always aware of the cats, and he had a great bond with one of the cats, but now---- we can't keep him away. He gets this look in his eye, starts crawling real fast, stops grabs kitten and laughs or growls at her. He thinks it is hilarious! (I do too, to be honest)  She is slowly learning to run away from him, but he is so darned persistent. Pretty sure he gets "buh-bye" he says BBBBB while waving. Yup, genius.....  hahaha

I don't think I updated his 9 month stats. Took him for a check up, gaining weight and growing all at a normal rate the curve looks great!!  He weighs 19.7 lbs and is 28.5 inches long. Long lean boy!

Everything is going great so far with my transition back to work. I have never been more excited to come home after a day of work... Especially since I come home to this............



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