New Epidemic--- Toddlerhood

Is it possible to love too much? I certainly hope not!

My little man is just incredible!  He is taking in the world and learning new things all the time. All the time he surprises us with the things that he knows and the skills that he has. Did I ever think that my 14.5 month old knew how to play ball (I mean fetch...)??   Of course not, but he sure did fool me!

He is really growing into quite the character. He is typically a very happy boy, who is a little sensitive, and--- does not like men. For real... He is so afraid of men. At daycare they say that when a few of the dads pick up their kids and they say hi to him, he cries. When we are out in public and a man stops and acknowledges him, he cries. There are only 2 men who he does not absolutely freak with, and that is his dad and his uncle E. It always takes him time to settle when there are people around he does not know or has not seen in a while, but men scare him for some reason....  Bring on Santa!!!!

He is very risky, yet shy and sensitive.. Weird...  He started walking a few weeks ago consistently, but now that is all he wants to do.   Did you know that it takes 10 min to walk to the mailbox now, when it only took 1 min before....  Grocery shopping is fun! We have to do everything now together (we typically did before) but Owen wants to walk everywhere, and it is soo difficult to help foster this when you actually have an errand.

This past weekend I headed up home to visit my mom, (and a few others). We stayed in a hotel room just Owen and I. It was great, but it was also a challenge. Not once did I get a break, I had an audience the whole time (if you know what I mean). When it was bed time, I sat in the dark on my iPod not to disrupt his sleep. The milk froze in the fridge, we were on the second floor, and the walls were paper thin, but we survived-- Only because there was TV!  Owen does not watch TV regularly. He watches some Sesame Street a few times a week on netflix, but actual TV, never... However, I did find the Treehouse channel, and turned that baby on.  HE LOVED IT!   Fireman Sam was his fave!

Toddlerhood is upon us. 14 and a half months and full blown tantrums have developed. I really thought and honestly believed that this WOULD NOT happen to my boy... The reason why toddlers had melt downs was totally a parenting issue...... Guess what, DO NOT fool yourself ever by believing this... Toddlerhood is nothing at all you can prevent, maybe like the zombie stuff people talk about. But this is serious my friends. And I know it only gets worse too. The other day Owen burnt a few fingers on the stove, I was cooking dinner (rare) and he tried to open the stove door, a skill he has recently developed. The next night, tried to do it again, I was able to redirect him into a 20 minute meltdown in the middle of the kitchen floor. Nice.   Aren't you supposed to learn? Especially by natural consequences???

Yes, This beautiful creature is a toddler--- do not let looks fool you.....

To be continued......



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