New Normal

Owen has been struggling the past couple of days/weeks,  or so I thought..
It is me struggling. You know the last post I told you about him having a meltdown in the middle of the kitchen floor, well it was me yesterday. I was exhausted, stressed, hot, and all I wanted to do was make him dinner and do the dishes. All he wanted was his momma to give him 250% of her attention. I am a very good planned ignorer, and I can deal most days, but I couldn't yesterday... When daddy arrived home, he found momma and Owen sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor cuddling, momma in tears (but just a little) and Owen right where he wanted to be.  Cupboard doors open, dishes in the sink, cooked food just sitting on the counter and us, just sitting being. This parenting thing is getting difficult. I thought holding him for 3 months straight was difficult-- This is even more so.. I think because I am working. Since being a mom and being back at work, I am carrying work stress a little bit more, I am fine, but I notice it affects me a bit different than it did before. I leave work, I pick him up at daycare, we come home, I put stuff down, feed the cats, and sit on the floor with Owen. I play and give him my undivided attention for at least 30-40 minutes,  and then I need to prepare dinner and do dishes, and whatever else needs to be done. But most days lately- this has not worked out nicely, so today I thought  that I would switch it up!

I left work a bit early, I went home-- The thought crossed my mind to pick him up early, but I decided not to, I went home, cleaned, put in a load of laundry, dinner was already prepared (Thank you Market Fresh!!) and I sat for about 5 min in quiet... I packed a cup of milk and little cereal bar and went to pick Owen up. Once we got home I decided  that we would walk to the park, something that we have not done in such a VERY long time.

He loved it, he went down the slide for the first time, walked all around and had a great time.. I figured this was the key---- change of scenery, change of routine, everything was wonderful.....

Except----- the meltdown followed us to the park....



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