Just about 2

That is correct. Owen is just about 2. I know you can't believe it because I certainly cannot!!!

This year has flown by soo quickly, but there have been a few times when it actually felt like time had stopped--- (and No those were not the warm and fuzzy moments-- definitely not the ones you really want to remember!) hahaha...  It has been an incredible year, lots of learning.. I really love learning, but I also like to be guided at times, however, I am the tour guide on this adventure-- Buckle up!! haha.

Owen is a terrific boy, he truly is, and I know everyone says that about their children, but really----- He is!!!!
We have had a busy summer being out and about, this is one little boy who does not know how to stop, nor does he ever want to!  I am exhausted to say the least!

There have been some exciting things happening over here!  It has been over 3 weeks since Owen has had his Duh-Duh  (Soother).  I think it was me who was not ready to make that transition, however, it has been good-- He has been absolutely great! He asked for it a few times, and one time it really broke my heart and he was really struggling and crying for it, but we stood strong and did not give in. Luckily it did not interfere with his sleeping at all!!!!!!
We finally have our deck complete! And I do have to say it was definitely worth the wait!!
Owen's language has totally taken off- however there is still a lot of nonsense, but it is not nonsense to him!
He is absolutely incredible. I never thought that I could love him anymore than I did on the day he was born--- it Just gets more and more intense!

Here are but a few of the many faces of Owen!



Jinny McCreary said…
Yes Mandi/Andrew, your little boy is now two and time does go quickly. You are right to cherish every single moment. I can remember when my kids were young. Time seemed to stand still for awhile and then it sped up and continues to go quickly. Enjoy it while you can.

What a handsome boy! I wish I looked that good in hats.

Love Grammy

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