Being a mom (of a toddler)

{I wrote this a while ago, but totally did not get around to posting it! HA!}

I have done a few of these posts, about the different things that I have learned along the way- Here and here .
This is just another one of those..... Things about being a mom (or things about me being a mom) however you want to look at it.
 -It is the best thing in the world, but with all the best things in the world, it is not necessarily easy.
 -It is also the scariest thing in the world-- You carry your precious miracle for 9 months-- in there, he is safe.. Once he is out, there are so many things that you fear... You can not protect him from absolutely everything.. You try, and you try hard, but sometimes you can not catch every fall.
 -You wish everyone could be a mom- but knowing some are not 'ready' to be a mom.
 -Your view on life changes- what was so very important then, is not so much now.
 -Your conversations can be in the range of how many poopies per day, or the weird rash on his tummy -You are tired. -It is ok to ask for help (well only sometimes!) I know when I have needed some help and I have always asked... Absolutely no shame in that-- especially when it comes to your (mental) health!
 -Schedules-- There is only one--- Theirs. (I am SO lucky that I do not have to "punch in" at work!!!) 
-Your vehicle becomes a vessel only to carry all of their toys.
 - When you think that they have reached the terrible twos---- It is only the beginning-- It gets worse, and when the worst comes out, you PRAY that this is it, but know deep down it is not.....
 - NEVER say NEVER! My boy was NEVER going to watch TV... Right, I rely on this technology each and every day to get by... I am starting to have a new appreciation for Barney!!!
 -No matter the field you come from, no matter the teachings you have-- You definitely use bribery. You do. and you can not say you don't!
 -You definitely feel the eyes of other judging parents when you arrive at daycare and it is not Pajama day, yet your two year old thinks it is
 -You feel most days like you are going insane
 -You HAVE to be 100% in control of your emotions, and remember these toddlers are only learning
 -A toddler = a caveman..... Best comparison EVER! Happiest Toddler on the block! (I stopped reading the book after I read that line.... That was all I needed to know!!!! :o) )
 -You have to work up the courage to go out in public at times, you have to make sure you are well rested when you bring this toddler out!!! But don't kid yourself, this is not a weight management technique.
 -You will find yourself listening to the same song over and over while driving around, singing and seat dancing to it, even when they are not in the vehicle!
 -Guilt is a huge thing- Especially for me- and also the fact that we struggled to have a child, I should be damned blessed that I have him, and Boy am I ever, but I am trying to teach myself and allow myself to feel the frustration of a daily toddler life, and to be completely ok with it, because it is absolutely NORMAL regardless if you thought you wanted to have a baby and you conceived the very next day-- OR it took you 10 years to have one...
 -Regardless of all the different stages, and regardless of the struggles, the best thing ever in the world is picking up your boy at the end of the day and he comes running over to you yelling "MOMMA!!!!" And is absolutely ecstatic to see you. I wish EVERYONE this experience



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