Happy Halloween!!!!

Rain, wind, diarrhoea...  Yes this was our Halloween!

But we did have a blast none-the-less!! I have been talking with Owen for the past couple of weeks about Halloween and trick or treating and he had retained it all. This morning I told him we were going to trick or treat, and he said knock knock on door and trick'r'treat... Yes, it is true, he has his momma's intelligence! hahaha.

Anyways right after supper I asked if he wanted to go for a walk, he LOVES walks... I told him he had to wear his lion costume, he agreed....

And so.... We trekked out into the spooky night in the pouring rain..... I really thought he was not going to buy into this at all... All he said was it rain! Yes honey it is raining.... The we went to the funnest neighbourhood ever.. The street behind us. He got a little scared a few times, not as much as I expected though. And you will never guess-- The little guy even did trick or treat and came home with a bucket full of treats...

He was so excited to go up to the doors of the "nice Halloween" homes. You know, the ones that have their lights on and a nice little pumpkin or two....  Of course not the crazy decorated ones-- you know, the one's momma wanted to see!!!  

He just Loved it!!! And we even scored an extra bag or two of cheezies because he was just too darn "cute"  Nice.... Momma and daddy score treats because he have a cute little guy!  I like how this is turning out!

Unfortunately because the weather was not very nice, I did not take my camera out with us so I do not have any pictures "in the action" but he was pretty incredible.... It is fabulous, and overwhelming and any other emotion you would like to insert here.... He is growing up. A little too fast, but such is life. 
When we got home, we sat around watching him, sat on the hard wood floor just in awe of this little fella-- Just had his first real Halloween, has absolutely no idea what it means, and has absolutely no idea that he collected candy and treats! Yet he was so proud of his loot and really excited about his time trick'r'treating!!!!  I will let him have the cheezies and the nacho chips but thats it. He doesn't need anything else thats for sure. I did let him try a cadbury cream egg, but I knew how that was going to end---- YUCKY!!!!  Can you believe it? As if he said YUCKY! and would not eat it. A cream egg..... Not like his momma in this care.. I knew though that he would do that, he is not really a fan of chocolate...

And Even though this little guy is not feeling well and has to stay home tomorrow from school, he sure did have a pretty fabulous time this Halloween!!!

Hope everyone had a great night!



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