11 Weeks!!!!

Well I am a couple of days late,  I am 11 weeks and 2 days!!!!  YAHOO!!!
I am feeling pretty swell, moody still, not as tired, sleeping issues.. URGH!  But hey it is so totally worth it!!!
We are getting really excited for this upcoming weekend...  It is my birthday on Friday so we are having Andrew's mom and sister (Boo on E!  Superbowl party.........) over on Sunday for a 'birthday' celebration, and boy are they going to be in for a surprise!!!!  We are hoping to have Andrew's sister come over first, and then I will give her a card that I have (partially) made right now. She is going to lose it, it will be great!!!  For Andrew's mom, we himmed and hawed about it, but decided we are going to go with the theme that seems so prominent in this family of "dropping bombs". The past few years, we have had numerous 'bombs' dropped on us, and now we are going to take this time to drop one on them!!! hahahaha  But it is a happy 'bomb'. So we have gone to the local dollar store and purchased these little 'bombs' that are currently full of candy and candy powder. We will empty it and put in the picture of our first ultra sound!!  I think it is going to be so funny...... I will post pictures of the final products!!!!
My family unfortunately will be told the news by phone, that is the challenge of distance!!
We have our 12 week ultrasound next week on Tuesday. 12w1d. After that ultrasound I will be sharing with work, and everyone else. I would just like to have that last confirmation that everything is going well before I announce, as I could not imagine the pain of having to re-nag and letting people know that it did not work out. I know that this is still possible (in reality) but I just want to make sure this far is going well.   I have been reading a wad of stuff here on Dr. Google and on different forums and I am starting to get extremely paranoid, but I guess that is what happens. I am trying to stay so positive!!!!!! I am a wee bit nervous as I stop my progesterone suppositories next week, I just pray that my body is ready for that!!!!!!!  Fingers and toes crossed!!!
I am now struggling with clothing. My pants are not fitting too well, I am in between!!  I have much bloating that it looks like I have gained about 20 lbs!!  I have not gained anything yet!!!!
I have read about bella bands, but I think by the time I order one, I might just need new pants, we will see!!!!! Ahhh this is great!!!!!!

Here are a few pictures while we have been out and about this winter...

"If we are growing, we will always be out of our comfort zone"


Jinny said…
This is my fourth time trying to send this. As you well know, I am not the shiniest star in the sky when it comes to technology although I do not give up. Your blog is fantastic and I enjoyed reading it very much. I love the information you have given about the trials and tribulations of pregnancy and look forward to the remaining info. I also totally enjoyed the pictures you posted--terrific. I have to tell you, looking at Squirt on a monitor- sitting away from the screen, gave me a better look. I saw the head beautifully and I think two tiny little arms. My emotions are very strange. I keep crying. How could it be my little baby is having a little baby? Keep up the good work!!

All my love,
Jinny/Mom/grammy ??????

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