39 Weeks!!!!

The final week.   Well I hope so anyways.  It hasn't been until now really that I have started to feel really run down and exhausted, pretty good I think!!!! Couple of appointments this week and waiting........  I do see my OB again tomorrow morning, so we will see what he says.    Maybe we will have a baby this weekend???? Wouldn't that be pretty fantastic? I think so. But we will just have to wait and see.
I have had some really good resting this week. I was in bed literally ALL day yesterday, that when I woke this morning, my hips and legs were soo achey, I thought YES!  This is it, but remembered that I was pretty much laying in bed for the past 22 hours, so of course my body would be stiff and achy. I had an ultra sound today, still a big boy. Thankfully. I joked with the ultrasound tech about seeing anything other than little boy's scrotum because that is the only thing the other techs have shown me.  She said is it pretty much they only thing they can see clearly when they are this big!!!!  So luckily, I did not get to see his scrotum.. I did see his spine, a knee, and a BIG nose!!!!   Hopefully that does not get caught on the way out. I did get a picture of him, but it is not really clear but you surely can see his nose!

I found out, that what I have been thinking is his bum pushing, is actually a knee and my placenta. Fantastic!  As he did it today during the ultrasound.    I saw him knee me..  And it was right into my placenta too!  Well at least I know where that is.........   He is head down and faced backwards, the way he needs to be. So I guess it is wait and see how long it takes for him to get out!!!

I was able to finish everything off last night for work, I had a few things I wanted to finish but had just kept putting off and off. I dropped off my computer, phone and key today. It was a little sad....   Can you believe that I am going to be a mom, in maybe just a few short days?? I can't....  It is crazy!!!!!!

I got a call today from the hospital where my dad is. They are transferring him back home tomorrow to North Bay so he can finish getting better there. I am sure he has a ways to go, But being there will be so much better for him as there is family there and familiar faces.  I am just a wee bit bummed that I did not get to see him yesterday but I was pretty sick and could not travel into Toronto. My cousin was there and spent some time with him so that is pretty fantastic!

I am getting soo excited to take pictures of my little man... I have a bit of anxiety around Andrew taking pictures as I think they are all going to be blurry...  He does take good pictures, but I am just scared!!!!!  He also has an iphone now too so we can immediately post photos on facebook or email them.   It is crazy the way technology is these days.

I guess that is it for my update. Hopefully the next time I get around to writing it is after baby boy is here.....  I don't want to be waiting all next week too.....   :o)    

"It's not what happens to you but how you react to it that matters"


nina said…
I found the blog address - great -
yes it sounds like you and the 'little man' are both ready - now just have to wait for those final steps to start is all moving towards the birth -
All the best - ~Nina

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