Mama's Growing boy!

Last week (well now 2 weeks ago) Owie had his appointment to get his shots. He was such a trooper! he did not even cry this time, just a little whine...
He measured in at 27.5 inches long, and 17.5 lbs. 
Again the Doctor said he was going to be tall and lean. Phewie..... Does not have his mama's genes.....
He amazes me every single day.  He is such a wonderful little creature, and I still can not get over the fact that we created him. Just totally blows my mind.

He has tried a few more new foods, Avocado and Sweet potato. He liked both!!!!

He loves sucking on ice cubes... Tries very hard to sip out of a sippy cup and overall just wants to grow up. He is sitting now for a bit on his own, and he tries OHH SO HARD to get to a sitting position on his own.

We have had some social outings, the moms from the moms group we attended all agreed to continue to get together and meet, so we have done that, will be meeting again this week, Owie has also spent some nice time with his new friend Audrey, they even had a mall date a few weeks ago. We need to schedule time with his other little friend James. We have not seen him in a little bit.  Geeze, this little boy has more of a social life than me!!!!!

I even went to work one morning last week. It was crazy, but I did well. It is definitely going to take a while getting used to going to work once I have to... That comes up quickly at the end of May... EEEK!

The weather has been just beautiful. It is very scary (in my eyes) how beautiful it is right now, considering where we live, and the lack of winter that we have had. Nonetheless, we have been outside enjoying it. Owie just loves being outside in such great weather!!!



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