Yesterday I turned 34. Is 34 a special age? No different from 33, 32, or maybe 35.. But it is incredible-- it truly is, because I am here, and I am 34, and I am given this time....  I am 34 and at a pretty good place in my life, I could not imagine being anywhere else.

I have compiled a list..... Lists are always good, they are even better when you can actually cross things off of them. I am going to cross these items off my list, I am!

In my 34th year---- I am going to----->

1. Love: I am really good at loving others. Just not too good at loving myself. I am going to work really hard at this.
2. Get healthy (physically): This goes along with the first one....
3. Get healthy (mentally): Well, I will try my best at this one....
4. Let go: I am going to let go of a few things that I can truly say hold me back
5. Accept: What I can not change
6. Change: What I can
7. Appreciate: Each and every single day
8. Laugh: a little extra harder and louder
9. Try to relax.
10. Try to learn how to turn my mind off-- only for a second, but I want to try this
11. Learn how to take a good picture-- Not by fluke-
12. Be more assertive in certain areas of my life
13. Be less assertive in others
14. Do more Crafting--- FOR REALSIES!  
15. Spend with intention
16. Spend less
17. Use less
18. Cook
19. Be a bit more organized
20. Get rid of THINGS
21. Ask for help when I need it
22. Drive a little slower
23. Love myself
24. Be a better wife
25. Be a better friend
26. Try not to forget people's birthdays
27. Spend more time on positive happy thoughts
28. Buy more local goods
29. Give back--
30. Try not to give people the 'hidden' finger when they are silly drivers
31. Drink wine---- hahaha Just joking....
32. Blog more
33. Take more Pictures
34. Enjoy every moment

Wow, what a list........ That is a pretty big one, but a very good one. But one that I know I will be able to cross each and every single item off of it (well maybe not the wine drinking....).
There is not one specific day that these things will all happen, it all takes time, but by the end of my 34th year, I hope to have completed all of these 34 items, (well ok, I did cheat a bit) but I am the one who made this up, so I can have my own rules right?  Maybe this is one of the issues I have........ HA!



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