And we're off........

To see a specialist!

Today I took Owen in to see the Doctor for a follow up from his latest ear infection.  So listen, he has had 4 ear infections since the middle of November. 2 of which were only 1 ear, the other 2 were double ear infections. Yikes!  Since the middle of November he has been on 35 days of antibiotics... (I think I mentioned this before), so needless to say, she put in the referral for the ENT. She said it may take a few months, I am hopeful it won't, but we'll see.

And how funny was it--- I took him in today, his ears were clear, when I picked him up at daycare, they were just checking his temp... Low grade fever... Fabulous-- hopefully it does not turn out to be anything.......

You can't see me!



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