On our own

So this past weekend we tried something different.... We finally left Owen somewhere overnight without us there!!!! Can you flippin believe it?! Just about 18 months! (And it was absolutely fabulous)

I do love this little being more than life itself, more than I could ever imagine loving, but I have to be honest, it was a little nice not to have to be busy and rushed.....

We left Owen at his wonderful Grammy's house and his aunt and uncle came later on in the day.. It was a family affair!!!  I was totally ok with leaving him, I have been away from him before (two weekends!!) but he was with dad those times... But this time, dad was with me!

He had a blast-- We had a blast- well I did at least! haha, but I truly did enjoy the time away, I think dad would have rather had him with us, but, deep down I think he enjoyed himself.

We got downtown Toronto, had a little bite to eat, and then out we went... We wandered around town, went into a huge bookstore, sat and had hot chocolate and people watched (this was my most fave activity) went into a few shops that you could not possibly get a stroller into, had an incredible dinner which we took our time eating, no need to rush, then we sat and watched TV until late (11:00pm) went to bed, and woke in the morning at 8:30!  To me this was bliss!!! It was fabulous, nothing special, we have done this many times, but this time was superb!!!

Owen just loved his time without us, I don't even think he noticed we were gone!!!!!
Here is a shot that his wonderful aunt J sent us while we were out:

Seriously------ What a shot! hahahahahahahaha

It was truly best too that he was not with us, as the day before we got hit with some wonderful snowstorm and the walking conditions down town were not the best for us let alone a stroller!
Here are only a few that I took while we were out and about-

This is something that I think we should do more often... Maybe every couple of months, just take a night away... It was so refreshing!

Thank you family for being so wonderful!



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