Spring--- I think it's finally here!

I have never been a fan of spring really- too much rain, too unpredictable, too messy, however this year I am loving it so far! Mind you, really we have maybe had 4 days that have been nice?! But those days have been absolutely wonderful! I have an extremely active little man who just LOVES being out and about! I have to add as well, all of this fresh air and activity makes for fabulous nights of sleeping!

We live on a fairly busy street so playing outside in the yard is not really an option, and our back yard will be soon in construction!  YAY!! We are finally getting a deck!!! That should be starting in the next few weeks-- and once that is complete, then we will have a space for Owen (even though it is majority deck) but it will be safe, and there will be no risk of him running to the road!!!  I am pretty pumped about this!!!
We do live extremely close to a park so I imagine that is where we will be spending much of our time.. Owen Loves the slide, going up and down, not really a fan of the swings, but he also loves the open area for running!  My child does not walk any more, he runs, EVERYWHERE!  And, he is starting to experience what it is like to run on concrete--- I believe by the beginning of the summer he will be black and blue from falling and tripping!!
Tonight was an absolutely beautiful night, so off to the park we went!

Apparently Cookie Monster had to come with us to the park. Cookie Monster happens to come to many places with us- but he is obsessed with Elmo- But only the show and not the doll!

Owen is a true boy! Played with the rocks for quite some time. I think he rather go to the park to play with the rocks than with anything else.
Yes, Rocks do go on our head!!

I am not too sure where the time is going, but I no longer have a baby-- he is a true boy now!



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