Ohh June-- Where did you go???

I do apologize for not writing any sooner than this, I have no excuses, maybe just forgetfulness....

So life has been pretty great. Ups and downs as usual, but overall just great. Owen is growing and learning each and every day! This kid seriously amazes me!

June was a pretty busy month for us.. We traveled quite a bit, Owen started soccer, our deck was (and still is) being built, the weather for the most part was incredible-- however there were many many rainy days-- hence the reason why the deck is not finished!

June was also the month that Owen was just full of bumps and bruises... He truly is a little boy!

We spent the majority of June outside when we could. We did venture down to the splash pad a few times, however the timing was off- the one night it closed early, and then the other time it was fully closed!  So we ended up going over to Owen's fave girl's place to have a little splash in the pool!

Owen loves going there to visit of course, and the added bonus is the train track in the back yard!!!! Owen always asks to go visit to see the trains!
This was obviously not taken in June-- This is from early spring, but you can see why he loves it so much!!!

Soccer is going well for Owen, well, as well as soccer can be for a toddler!!! hahaha It is pretty amusing seeing it!  I only went on the first day, I had asked if this could be something that Owen and daddy can do so that I could stay home and have a few to myself (cleaning, vacuuming, and the such!) Soccer is every Saturday morning for 45 minutes, they have been luck with the weather in that they have been able to bike every time so far!  He really looks forward to going!!

And of course it doesn't hurt that there is a tractor and a dirt pile right where we plays!!!

Another highlight of June was Owen's trip to the farm!!!  It was probably the most exciting day he has ever had!!!  He was able to sit on a tractor, but was a little uneasy when it was turned on.. He just LOVED it Thanks Uncle E and Aunty J!!!!!!!

We went to Grammy's for a nice swim in the pool, however it was a little to chilly and Owen did not really enjoy it, I am sure he will when the pool is a bit warmer!!!!

Obviously it is not June anymore--- Obviously we had such a great time it flew by!!!!!



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