
I think I have mentioned this before, how I love thoughtful people.. Seriously, to go out of your way to make someone else feel good is an incredible quality to have!
I have a few very thoughtful people in my world which I am extremely grateful for.. But there is one that keeps on doing wonderful things.....  She is the one I talked about here.   I am so very grateful to have her as a friend.

Of course--- coming home from work, after yet another stressful-emotional day, there awaits a beautiful bright basket on my front steps---- What is in it you ask-- Let me show you....

A Beautiful basket of sunshine!!!! Everything in the basket was yellow and bright!!!!  There was even a little something in there for Owen (an Elmo DVD).
This is a close up of the front of the card that was included

So, I recall a few days prior, I was chatting with her and told her that I was in a complete funk and have been like this for awhile, we chatted, nonchalant, and went on our ways...... And a few days later-- Happiness appeared on my doorstep!

This was a bright happy basket of relaxation.... Things I could do to just chill-- and even something to occupy my boy so I could do this!!! It is so incredible that some people just know what is needed and take the steps!  this brought on the biggest smile and made my heart so happy!

Thoughtfulness goes such a long long way!

Thanks!! this meant the world to me!



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