Dysfunctional Responsibility

We all come from somewhere....... Most of us come from dysfunction.... A very common ground for many.

Believe it or not.............I my friends, come from a dysfunctional family!   I think if you looked for the definition of dysfunction, you would find my family tree, well perhaps my family circle!!!
(I am pretty sure I remember posing for that picture!!)

I am in no way ashamed of where I have come from, as it has made me who I am today!!  (Which I think is a pretty incredible person!) We all have the skeletons in the closet, the family secrets, the list goes on and on...   I come from a rather Large family. I am the youngest of 6 (half siblings... Same mother, different father).  I have lived the majority of my life not knowing my siblings. I know of them and I have a relationship with one of my sisters, but that is about it. I think that it is a shame, but really it is what it is..

My parents. Both very unique individuals, AND I am not saying that condescendingly either.  
When you become a parent, you do not receive an instruction manual to tell you what to do. Parents do their best with what they have. And sometimes when there are other factors influencing lives, sometimes the best choices are not made. If maybe though, that manual was given out at the hospitals, only good choices would be made.......  But life would be pretty boring then.

I was recently at a conference and the speaker was talking about families, and about how really, we are all victims of our parents..... I Love it!!!!   How true that is...   It is so so very easy for us to blame our life happenings on our parents..  What we had or did not have, what happened and did not happen, growing up    etc etc. We tend to forget, that now as adults, we need to take responsibility for our actions.. It is very important to be able to identify our "shortcomings" be able to (briefly) "blame" our parents, but most importantly, be able to learn and move on from it.
1. Identify
2. Appreciate
3. Move on    <-------    This is where many get stuck!

I think one of the hardest things in life is taking responsibility.

"A man sooner or later discovers that he is the master-gardener of his soul, the director of his life"


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