Owie's first Christmas...

Christmas is over.... Wowzers is it ever exhausting with a baby.... I am sure I have no idea what it is going to be like in the upcoming years when he is all spun out because of Santa!! Yikes!!

So we had 3 different Christmas celebrations, all were great, but 3 is a tad many for us at this point. Let me just say we are EXHAUSTED! I am so glad that I do not have to go back to work...  We are very fortunate to still have family in our life so I hate to sound ungrateful by saying how exhausting it is as I don't mean to come across that way...

Owie had a great Christmas day. I had to wake him up Christmas morning as he was sleeping in!! I know I know, no need to wake a baby, but had to be done!!!!   He enjoyed looking at his gifts, and getting SOO much attention from the family who loves him so dearly.... He was such a good boy, but he usually always is!!! (lucky for us!!)

Christmas eve we visited with my brother in law and the kids. They were pretty psyched for Christmas to say the least!!!  It hurt in my heart to know that they would wake up Christmas morning (the first of many) without their mother..... Luckily they decided to change Christmas morning up by waking at 2 am and opening all their gifts....... Not a happy daddy!!!

We spent Christmas Eve/ Day with Andrew's mom, his sister and her husband. Always great company!  We visited with nana, what a friggin trooper she is!!!!  And we came home Christmas night.

The day after boxing day, my mom and Stew came down for a few days. It was great to see them, but how horrible it is that we did not take any pictures!  HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday they left back for North Bay, We headed out to Vaughan Mills, and came home. Last night spent a fantastic evening with my perfect little family laying in bed watching the Polar Bear Express.... I truly do LOVE my life.....

I am glad that the hustle and bustle is over. I love my quiet simple life .......



Jinny McCreary said…
I hear ya' Mandi. Christmas can be a bit much and you had several of them. Lubby did so well though. I think next year all we have to get him is some tissue paper and maybe a cardboard box he and the cats can share. It is an exhausting time for sure. He is quite a little soldier and managed very well.

Love Jinny

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