'Tis the Season!

So last weekend we went to pick our Christmas tree on Friday night, then we let it soak and put it up on Sunday as well as the rest of the decorations..  Of course Owie slept through the whole picking of the tree, but that was to be expected because we did go at night, and I am glad that we did as it was not busy at all!  We did not have a hard time at all picking it out  (Thankfully!) This is our second year getting our tree from Terra Greenhouses
Final Product

Owen Loves the Christmas tree.. I wish though that we had some blinky lights on it as I think he would like it even more.. Maybe next year!

I am getting really excited for Christmas now that we have a child. Even though this year for sure, he has no clue what is going on, it is still so exciting!!!
We will be having 3 Christmases this year, pretty typical for us. Our first one will be held next weekend here at our house, then on actual Christmas and then the following week when my mom comes down..... Always a VERY busy time of year and now we have a baby to add to it all!

We put up a few decorations around the house, nothing too much, as I get a bit older, I am realizing that less is SOO much better!!!!
2 weeks ago, Owen met Santa. He did a great job, did not cry, did not fuss just wanted to eat Santa's beard, and that is exactly what he did!!  I do have 2 pictures of him on Santa's lap but unfortunately our printer/scanner is not working right now so I can not scan the pictures. Once it is working again or we get a replacement, depending on if we
can fix it, I will post the pictures.

On another note, this past Tuesday we dropped off many items for the family who had the house fire. I literally had the whole back of our truck full with items!  Of course my mother in law was absolutely fantastic and had a TONNE of stuff to donate and I had my own stuff. It was really great to see the amount of items that they had, as the community really pulled together and provided this family in a time of need with many many of the essentials and MORE!!! Apparently the mother had her                    baby that same morning.

I was able to get my Christmas cards done this year, as I did not get them done last year.. TOOO exhausted!  Anyways I wrote out over 30 cards!! How can a mother with a 3 month old  baby accomplish this you ask?? Well, a few days ago I decided to buy a swing for Owen off of Kijiji for $50!  I am sooo glad that I did, and I honestly do not know how I have gotten through the past 3.5 months with out it. He now naps in the afternoon and the evening with out us having to hold him. AND in the afternoon for the past 3 days, I have gotten 2 hours of nap time!!!!  HOW INCREDIBLE?!

 I took Owen to the Dr.'s on Thursday just to chat about growth and the flat spot that he has on his head. He weighed in at 14.2 lbs, he is now 24.8 inches long, and doing GREAT!  Dr. said the flat spot was nothing and it is caused by sleeping on his back and since their heads are still soft a flat spot will develop. She said to look online at photos of other children with flat spots if I wanted to see severe cases, she said Owen's will form back out in a few months as his skull firms up!  Phewie!!!

So I guess that is it for now, I hope I can post on here a little more frequently.. It sure has been a while since the last time I posted....

Thanks for reading!



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