Food (and Happy "over commercialized" Love Day!)

So Owie has been eating rice cereal for over a week now and he has enjoyed it, but I feel he is ready for a change.. Today I made him some baby food.. SUPER SIMPLE!

So I made him a batch of green beans (which he will be trying this evening) and a batch of squash.

I cut the squash in half, put it on a pan with a little water and baked it in the oven for 45 min. at 350 degrees. While the squash was baking I steamed the green beans for 15 min on the stove top. (I had to really pick through the batch of green beans, there were quite a bit that were kind of yucky). Once the beans were done steaming I put them in the baby bullet and began!  It was so great! I ended up adding about 1/4 cup of water to help smooth out the texture. It really turned out great. I am not 100% sure exactly how much I am supposed to put in each container, and I guess it really does not matter at all, but I got 6 containers of green beans. I am going to keep three out in the fridge and give him that for the next 3 days, and then the other three are in the freezer!
Once the beans were all finished, I did the dishes, and even fed Owen a bottle. The squash finally finished baking. It smelled soooo good! I took it out, scooped it into the baby bullet, and away it went. I did not have to add very much water to this as it was pretty smooth!!  I was able to get six little containers as well of squash.
So I have 12 containers of veggies, all of which I know EXACTLY what is in them, there are no added sugars, salts, chemicals, etc. It took a total of maybe an hour to do (prep, cooking, clean-up) and the grand total to make these veggies were about $3.00 ($1.50 for the squash, about $1.50 for the beans)
I am not too sure why not everyone makes their own baby food. I know maybe it may seem like "I have all the time in the world" because I am home right now (which honestly I don't) but it really is no effort at all, and the best part about it as I said earlier is the fact that I know exactly what he will be eating. There are no "hidden" dangers!!!!! 
I received the Baby Bullet as a gift, so that is what I am using, but there are other gadgets out there, or you could just use a blender, or a food processor if you already have one.

And if you know me, you know that I am not talented at all in the kitchen nor do I like spending time cooking/baking etc. So if I can do this..... ANYONE can!

Owie would like to wish you all a very Happy LOVE day!!!


Green Beans = Epic Fail!!

So have to give him credit. Owen did try the green beans, and he was really excited!!!  But, he did not like them much. He did swallow some, but that same "some"  also came back up!!!!


Kim said…
Somehow that is the exact same face I make when I eat green beans....I tried to warn him! Green beans - yuk!

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