Food Update

Owie has been eating solid food now since Feb. 4th.

His ever expanding menu includes:

-Savoury Rice Cereal
-Greeny Green Beans
-Bodacious Bananas
-Scrumptious Squash (I suppose scrumptious is not the best word to describe squash)

The green beans were not a hit the first night, but the second and third, he enjoyed them! Bananas were a hit right away and so was squash! Tonight is his last night of Squash. Tomorrow I think we will try Chicken..... Times have changed apparently and meats now should be introduced to babies very early on due to the iron content.

We have been having fun with introducing new foods. I think Owen Loves it!! I was recently told by a public health nurse, that babies at this age should be eating a teaspoon-tablespoon of solids... Oops.. Owie eats more than that, however, he is still an eating machine with it comes to his formula, I think though he is in the middle of a growth spurt. 
Here are a few pictures of our "Adventures of eating"

Rice Cereal

Green Beans


I have to say, my little man sure is expressive!!!  

And yes, I do need to make a comment... As it is obvious as what goes in, must come out... Man, I was ok cleaning baby poops, 1x a day, maybe 2x a day if I was extra lucky!!!  NOW it is like 3x a day, and EWWWWW! 
And yes, I know, it only gets worse..........



Jinny said…
I had to stop laughing before I typed this comment!! Too darn funny! I love the squash face--a cross between surprise, bravery and "what the hell are you feeding me"? How adorable.

Love Grammy

P.S. The poops will get worse.

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