It has been a while

When I decided to start a blog, I promised myself that I would be consistent and try at least once a week to post.  Lately that has not been happening.. Life is getting in the way when it comes to writing about life... Geeze..

My days seem to be going fast. I can confidently say I get my little one right now, at this stage of his life..... I tend to know what he wants/needs, and things are going relatively smoothly. 
He has developed a bit of an attitude lately.... I figure he is just maturing (haha) but has become a little whiner at times.. That is ok, I giggle most times at him for whining.. Sleep patterns have changed as well, not sleeping as much, which is totally fine except for when he is the BIGGEST CRANKSTER around!! 

I had a birthday last week, big 33! Does not feel any different!!  Same as 32!

 Owen had cereal for the first time on my birthday, he LOVED it and has been having it every evening since!  

My little man is growing up!! This upcoming week we are going to try veggies! I am going to make a batch of food up maybe tomorrow or the next day, going to try: green beans, squash, and carrots! I am pretty excited to bring out the baby bullet!!

I think he is going to LOVE new foods as we introduce them. He just watches us soo intently as we eat, you know he just wants some of EVERYTHING we have! I was really determined that he was not going to try ANY food until he was at least 6 months, but I had met with a public health nurse a few weeks ago, and after our discussion I decided that I would just try. He will be 6 months in a few weeks,  so not too bad...

My Birthday celebration was fantastic! We spent the night at Andrew's moms. It was a nice change of scenery that is for sure. I forget though how much work it is to have a sleep over somewhere with a baby. ALL THE STUFF YOU HAVE TO BRING! Crazy that is for sure.

What else is new? We had real grown up problems 2 weeks ago, water issues, had to get a plumber in, blah blah blah. Times like these I wish I was not a grown up. And all in all we spent over $600 in one week on water!  Ridiculous!

A few weeks ago I was humbled by a group of women. I am part of an online moms group. We all struggled with infertility and PCOS, and all were blessed at the same time and we have been a support to each other through our journeys and our pregnancies, and now even after. Anyways, there are about 19-20 of us. One of our 'girls' had recently just moved in the states (her husband in the military) and they had hit a bump in the road financially. The women in this group (All strangers, I might add) came together and helped her out. We contributed whatever we could, 10$/15$ etc. and in total I believe it was just about $200 we sent to her!
It was just soo fantastic to be a part of this group and to have a big and generous hearst and give to someone in need even though no one has ever met each other! I am so proud of these women they truly warm my heart!!!!!

I am planning on being more consistent posting.. Sometimes the time just slips by......



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