First week at daycare......Ya, he rocked it!

So Owen just finished his first week at daycare! First day not so good- and then each following day was better and better and then today--Friday was GREAT!! He even ate lunch with the other kids and he ate more than all of them! He seems really happy when I bring him there, but he is also really happy when I pick him up--to the point he whines a bit!!!  It is fabulous! I really feel comfortable at this centre, and am pretty sure this is the best fit for us!

Seeing him there with the other kids just blows my mind. Him going to daycare blows my mind. We are parents. It is hard to explain what I mean-- But you know I have been home with him, Andrew has been home with him, we know we are parents, we care for him we do everything for him, he is our everything, but that has not been our "typical" world--(work is a part of it) but seeing him at daycare, and us going through the routines in the morning and later in the day we are "Those Parents". Those parents who I always wanted to be.. Those parents who skip their morning coffee and breakfast because little man woke up late and there was no time. Those parents who spend 45$ on silly labels for their child so they don't lose anything at daycare. Those parents who take their kids to daycare, you know--- Those parents with Kids....   WE. ARE. THOSE. PARENTS.

Damn does it ever feel great!!

I am totally ok with him being at daycare, I am pumped!! I am so glad he adjusted, and I knew it would take time, but this is also what I have always wanted. I have always wanted children, but I have never wanted to be a stay at home mom. Nothing at all wrong with that, and to be honest, I don't think I have what it takes to be a stay at home mom anyways..... I admire every mother who has made that commitment to their children to stay at home and raise them. I do not feel guilty for going back to work, I know at times it will be difficult to balance, but we will do it. I am very fortunate that I get to drop off my boy at daycare where we plays all day long, so that I can go to a place I love and to do what I love all day long. Win Win situation?! I think so...  However I get paid to go to the place I love---- We have to pay for his!!  Well.. fair enough.



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