
I need to step away for a minute from posting photos of my boy, talking about my life as a parent, you know the good stuff.... I just need to take a moment just a moment (even though I think it all the time and it makes my heart so heavy) to talk about unfairness...

We have all seen and been through crap in our lives that we can say was unfair.. (Amen sista!) However,  as we grow older and become more insightful, we can sometimes appreciate the unfairness as it has often taught us a valuable lesson.. I have a very strong faith in God, some may or may not know this, but I do, and I can typically come to terms with things as I know MOST things are out of our hands, however, I am still having a really difficult time coming to terms with this... Owen and I spent a fantastic day today with some of my side of the family.....

These two beautiful kids, have two older siblings as well (not pictured). They are full of life, personality and love!!! They are easily overwhelmed, easily entertained, and very easy to love. These two beautiful kids (and their siblings) are my nieces and nephews. My heart hurts. every. single. day. for them to know that these beautiful kids do not have a mother to raise them, to hug them, to give them crap when they need it, to kiss their boo-boos, and to tell them she loves them every night......These kids are in my prayers every single night, and I just hope that they know how much their mother loved each and every one of them.

This my friends, is what unfairness looks like.



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