
So I finally decided that I would do a post for our trip that we went on. Share a few pictures, share a few thoughts and be on our merry way!

We were gone for 10 days/9 nights.   We did a whole heck of a lot of driving to say the least, however driving in a fantastic comfy truck, fit the ever so expanding pregnant lady.

Our journey started about 5:10am.  We headed out to Quebec City!   I have to be honest here, and just say, driving into Quebec was one of the most stressful times I have ever had!!!  I (luckily) was not doing the driving at that point.....  It was CRAZY!!!!!!  Anyways we did make it to our destination safe and sound...   However driving a truck around in Old Quebec City, is definitely NOT advisable.
The streets were SO narrow, there were many that were only one way, AND there was much construction going on so there were a lot of detours, that apparently TOM-TOM did not know about!!!!!!!

We were in Quebec City for 2 nights. This was at the beginning of May, and they still had some patches of snow around!

We did not have a problem with people not speaking english to us, pretty much everybody did (if they could) people were very friendly. This is definitely a place where I would like to visit again, just not when I am pregnant!!!

We left Quebec City and headed for Bar Harbor Maine!  The drive was nice, all through these mountains.   We drove and drove and did not see one car for the longest time.. We were literally in the middle of NOWHERE!!!   We got to the border crossing and it was pretty funny!!  It was all brand spanking new, there was no one there, totally dead! We drove up to the window, the man asked us a few questions, then wanted to see in the back of the truck, just to make sure we were really telling the truth that we did NOT have any guns, then we were on our way!!!!  It was a fairly LONG drive to Bar Harbor, but the weather was nice and the sights were fantastic!

Bar Harbor was a cute place!  Not very busy as we were there a week or so prior to "tourist" time. We had wonderful seafood dinner that night and did a wee little tour of the area.

The following day we did the downtown area, I found a sweet little scrapbook store too!!!  Then the afternoon and evening was spent driving through Acadia National Park.
We drove through the park, it was a beautiful day, and the views and sights were Beautiful!!!!  We stopped at every port-o-potty, restroom area, Thankfully they have many along the way!!!!  

Our final destination in Acadia Park was the top of the mountain!!!  I forget what the mountain is called or even if it has a name, how wonderful am I?  Anyways we got to the top of the mountain, took some pictures, had a picnic and then watched the sunset.  It was quite fascinating.. Total Awe.....
The following day we headed further south to Rockland Maine. This place was ok. The Bed and Breakfast where we stayed was Wonderful!  We went and checked out the action, really there was none.. The following day we went to Camden Maine, (just down the road).  A little more going on there, and a little bit nicer!!!

Headed out to Burlington Vermont. The weather was nice while we travelled but once we got there it was rainy. The next day it rained, and then we left. We did some shopping and did find a wonderful Grocery store that was like Whole Foods but a bazillion times better and had a HUGE section of Gluten Free items, so Andrew was able to stock up a bit!

Our final trek in our journey was to Lake Placid!    We had many detours on our way as there were many roads that were Flooded. Even we got to the ferry where were we supposed to take to get to New York, but it was closed due to the water levels and such.....  We did end up taking a very short ferry ride across, it seemed like it was just a river,  it was literally 3 min. maybe!   then we drove through the mountains and arrived in Lake Placid. Nice place there, was pretty busy, there was a great downtown, but unfortunately in all of these touristy places, all of the shops pretty much sell the same things!   Andrew scored with some summer clothes at an outlet gap store, but that was pretty much the excitement!
The next day we headed home. I was pooped, we even stopped in Watertown to do some shopping, and I really passed it up........   I was happy to be going home!!!!!  We had a great time and would maybe do something like this again, but probably not for the same length of time.

"There is nothing half so pleasant as coming home again"


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