
So Andrew was the lucky one to bring sickness into our home... He ended up getting sick last Friday perfect timing for going up North. We have been paranoid of not wanting to get Owie sick. I am really not ready for that..... Not yet anyways.  So, so far, a week later he is not sick yet, however, I am getting it now.....

Andrew usually rides his bicycle to work, but since being sick, it is hard enough to breathe on your own let alone pedalling across town. So I have been driving him in the morning and picking him up at the end of the day. The other day after we dropped him off, Owie and I went for a walk at Royal City Park, down by the river, I really love it there. It was a really chilly morning, but I was able to take a few pictures...... 

Awww my little assistant

No Matter how busy life gets, you should ALWAYS take some time to do what you Love! xo


Jinny said…
Mandi, these pictures you took are absolutely beautiful and very professional looking. Well done!!

Love Jinny

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