What's in a name?

Ohh don't be jealous that you don't have a soap named after you.....  Isn't this fabulous? And it really does smell great!!!  The other day I went into LUSH to pick up a few Christmas gifts, and how wonderful of a shop, they always give free samples of products and my lucky day, wonderful Miranda soap.  
My real name is Miranda, not many people know this, as I do not go by this name. Andrew is pretty much the only person who calls me this. I have no idea how I was named Miranda, but I know Mandi was after Barry Manilow's song, (which is about his DOG!) anyways, it is a really nice song!!

We had a difficult time coming up with a name for Owen. I had a girls name picked out and was set in stone, and the name had meaning. If we would have had a little girl she would have been named Ella Jane. However we had NO names picked for a boy. I had one chosen, but then changed my mind. We went through countless websites, went to the library and signed out a few books, we made a list of potential names on the fridge, and himmed and hawed over which one was the best. Then one day we decided it was going to be Owen!  Then it took a bit to figure out a middle name, and I wanted it to be a "J" sound, James, George, Joseph, etc etc, and then one day Andrew said uh, why not Jackson? (Jack was the original name that I had pick at the very beginning for a boy, and changed my mind) So there is his name, Owen Jackson. He is not named after anyone, I am not even too sure of the meaning of his name,  but I like it!  Andrew asked last night if I regret naming him that, and no way!  He totally fits the name for sure! We will call him Owen as he grows up, and I am sure some little nicknames too but I am not cool with using someone's middle name as their first name, you know??   Right now I call him Owie, I know I will call him that for a while, but I am sure he is not going to enjoy being called "OWIE" when he is 18......

He sure does look like an Owie right????????
HAHAHA, I Love my little Boy!!!!!



Anonymous said…
AW Owie is cute but cuddle muffin is better (trust grandma lol to come up with one) soon you will be calling him "Owen Jackson Mc Creary!!!!!!"
Jinny McCreary said…
In our family Mandi, Owen will rarely be called by his real name. I call his father Dollie, poor guy and he is 33. Owen to me is Sweetie Pie, Lubby, Snicker Doddles etc. etc. His name is great and Jackson was his great, great,great?? grandfather's name on his father's side--so there. It was my mother's grandfather's name. Confused??

Love Jinny

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