Moving on up

Merry Christmas Everybody!! I hope you have all had a wonderful time with friends and family and were able to enjoy the season!  I will post more on our celebrations at a later date as we have one more to do! Instead I wanna talk about my growing boy... Um of course I do. So Owen's last day in the infant room at daycare is on Monday!!  CAN YOU FLIPPIN BELIEVE IT?!?!  This is crazy, truly racking my brain.

The teachers in his room are pretty fabulous. Owen loves them and they are just great!  They dont shove you off, they listen to you, and share info with you!  I am sure they do not share ALL info with me, as they really shouldn't you know?! I know they are great people because I know, but also because Owen lets me know. He is happy when he arrives (most days, unless he is a little tired, or not feeling too well) he smiles says hi, and is comfortable when he is there PLUS all of the skills he has learned in the few short months he has been in this room----- ALL tells me that his teachers are wonderful!
Oh, and take a look at this:

This is a fabulous card and letter that they did for him. Honestly, the little bit of effort put into something like this, goes a LONG LONG way!
I am going to miss them, and I know he is as well.   It will be a (first of many) difficult transitions to say the least, and I know once he gets used to it, he will be great! I can not believe that my boy is now a toddler--- well I know he is by his toddler like behaviour, however, now being in the toddler room-- WOWZERS! I guess this is a little proof as well toddlerhood has hit us:

This is our living room...... This takes about 38 seconds to accomplish and about 25 minutes to clean up and sort through/organize everything. wow.... We did purchase the buckets unit against the wall last night, and hopefully this will help out a bit........

Much much better......
But once he got home from daycare today------ back to the original picture!!!!
I believe that this is just the way it is....... This is why people have a toy room.... This is ok!



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