'Tis the Season

Christmas is fast approaching!!  It really came out of nowhere... Here we are 3 days before Christmas day! At least we have a wee bit of snow on the ground.

I am behind-- and when I find I get behind, I usually bail- So, friends and family-- you did not receive a Christmas card not because you are naughty, but because I ran out of time! I will make sure to send them out next year!!  And the benefit to that-- is that everyone will get a homemade one. (Well hopefully anyways!)

We put up the Christmas tree and decorated a little, it is difficult when you have a little fella who knows how to get into everything, so instead of going overboard with decorations, we held back quite a bit, but it is still good! Owen was sick (AGAIN) with another ear infection when we put up our tree, so 
was not really in the festive mood...

I am extremely surprised that he has not bothered with the tree at all!!!!  I was a little worried about that!

Lets talk about Santa: Owen LOVES Santa books, Santa faces, Santa dolls, anything Santa Except for REAL Santa! Every time he sees a Santa he "ho-ho's" he points them out everywhere, but please do not let him experience the real thing, yes I did traumatize him.
It started about a month ago, we were at the mall and I did not realize that Santa was already there, we went to walk by him, Santa waved to Owen, and he lost it. Not just a wee little cry-- He Lost It!
Ok so we need to do some work....
Gradual Exposure-- will definitely work in this situation...

So after that initial experience, we went to the mall weekly, we would just walk by Santa, walk by where Santa sat, but had no expectations on Owen. He was safe by his mama's side.... Every week was better and better!  Even the last week he waved to Santa! So I thought, ok, we are close-- He always pointed out the Santa dolls, pictures, statutes, etc etc and was always happy, so why not!?
Thursday we went, I told Andrew that if he freaked in line, then we couldn't do it, but as long as he could hold it together in line, then a visit with Santa was fair game...... OK!
The line was small, only 2 in front of us, he was fine! Santa made a loud ho-ho and it did startle Owen, but he was easy to soothe.....

Then it was our turn......
Owen was having nothing to do with Santa!  He freaked like I have never seen before, and apparently neither had Santa! He even had a very fitting shirt on for the occasion, "Santa Rocks"

I am sorry dear son that I have traumatized you, I was so selfish that I really wanted a photo.... I promise that I will cover the cost of your therapy in years to come.

The other night we went out with our lovely friend and her beautiful girl. We went to Sparkles in the Park. Very Lovely!!!

We are going to have a low key Christmas, this is the first year we are having Christmas on our own (for the first part of it). This will be our first family Christmas. We can start our own traditions that we can carry through the years.

Please remember while you are out and about the next couple of days--- Tis the season for joy, peace and happiness!! --There is no room for crankiness!!



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