The "Long" road home....

So here I am taking advantage of a little quiet time as wee man is sleeping in his car seat.... We went out today to good ole faithful walmart, and on our way home I decided to get a coffee from Tim Hortons and just drive... A drive that would have taken about 15 min. Took about an hour and a half. I really enjoyed drinking my coffee, listening to the radio, not holding wee man. Is that horrible?? I had a little bit of guilt, but then it disappeared.. He is definitely not a difficult baby, but a baby who likes to be held by mom ALL the time, so having him sleep in the truck ( and not holding him) was a bit of a treat....

Today is day 3 on my own. Andrew was on holidays the past three weeks and had to return to work on Monday. I was scared, terrified to say the least to be alone with this baby,not knowing what to do, what he needs, and having to figure it out on my own....
Monday was tough, we had a rough sleep Sunday night, and Monday all I wanted was a nap, but that was not in the plan for me. My duty was to hold wee man all day, and even when I thought he was totally passed out and I put him down, he reminded me that Monday's duty for me was to hold him....... Maybe he knew his papa was gone?? There was a full moon as well, so who knows... Tuesday was great, we went to a mom and baby group in the morning, and then had a fantastic afternoon, watched a movie and he was perfect!! Today we went out for a walk in the morning, came home ate, then went to walmart.... Now I am waiting for him to wake so that I can feed him.... I am getting the hang of it.. I know not every day is going to be great, and I know that there will be days where he will be attached to me ALL day, and that is ok, because he is a baby, and this is my job that I have been blessed with... I am to love him, to comfort him, and to form him into one fantastic little man!!

I really shouldn't feel guilty for taking the long road home should I? Even though I do a little........


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