Finally!! He's here!

7:38am, Tuesday August 23rd, 2011, our little man joined us. He had a strong cry, and I knew everything was good. He weighed 8lbs 9 oz, and was 21 inches long. He was also a very cute boy.... And I am definitely not being biased.
He did have a bit of a cone head, because he was stuck so long, but I think it even went away the next day. He had a sore on the top of his head, and that was explained because he was stuck for so long, that was the exposed part of his head, and sometimes this happens. Not a big deal......  He is absolutely perfect!!!   Andrew really surprised me, he cut the cord, and actually watched me push him out! I did not think that he would do that and we had even discussed that he was not going to cut the cord, or even take a look... 


He was very easy to settle, and it was just natural they way it all seemed... 
The Doctor was with us fixin me up a bit, as I did end up with a 2nd degree tear. Thank heavens there was still freezing, as I think that would have KILLED!!!!  And the Dr. fixing it up, well lets just say he is not a gentle man......  We even had a dirty joke while he was doing it...   This who experience was soo great and very surreal. And to be totally honest, I really do not understand why people do not opt for meds. Seriously. The most painful experience I had during this who birthing experience was the stupid IV that was in my hand. IT HURT so much, and that is all I complained about. I kept saying too, that I am not a hero, and that it is ok that I do not feel anything giving birth!!!!!

                                        Brings the meaning of love to a whole new level.........


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