Growing up.

Growing up.... We all need to do a little.... Have I had this blog title before? Probably...... I am not that creative..... Sometimes I can be, but lately I have just been tired... (the past 7.5 months, ahh, lets say, the past 10 months)......

Owen is definitely growing up. It makes my heart happy, and a little sad at the same time. NO NO NO! I do not want another little baby around, just saying though......

So the past month or so there have been some major milestones, both for Owie, and for mama. Owen has begun sleeping in his room at night, he is now on his second day of napping in his crib, he attends Playcare at the YMCA, and he gets REALLY excited when daddy comes home...... All these things are absolutely fabulous in every way.... Even in the way that his dependence for is a little less..... It is great!!!

He has started to scoot around, crawling is literally just around the corner.......

Eating: Well, the list just grows and grows of the foods he has tried, and I think has liked it all......
Watermelon, Cantaloupe, baby cookie, yogurt, frozen yogurt, ham, quinoa, grapes, oat cereal, water. The fruits I give to him in the fresh feeder. He is loving every minute of it and LOVES to eat!!!! We have introduced a sippy cup to him, and we have also introduced a sippy cup with a straw. He does really well with both, he can actually drink from both and not just play!!!

Teeth: we are up to 4 teeth now. However I know with in the month, it will be 5, maybe 6. The two upper beside his two middle ones are swollen swollen swollen.... I can't believe how fast he is growing these babies!!!! It is crazy how absolutely everything he touches or tries to, goes straight to his mouth.... He even tries to put my toes into his mouth... EWWW!!!

I can't take credit for this, but it is such a brilliant idea!! A mom in my mom's group made the suggestion of bathing your baby in the big tub in a laundry basket. INCREDIBLE!
Owen now enjoys his baths and plays plays plays!! Before it was in and out.. Now he LOVES it!!! I have finally found some baby wash that does not bother his skin.. And it has a wonderful light scent to it.

 We are very fortunate to have a few friends.. Yup, that is true.... No seriously though, 2 of my friends had babies in the past year, so that is absolutely wonderful, for me, and definitely for Owie. We have not seen one of his little besties in a bit, she has been sick and away, but last week Owie had a play date with his other friend. We have a lot of work to do on his social skills let me tell you.....

Last but not least....... Yesterday daddy put Owen in his crib for a nap, sort of kind of, let him cry it out, but checked on him every 10 min to tell him it was ok, and that it was sleep time, I spent that time in the craft room, and it was successful. Daddy only had to go in there once and he fell asleep... Sooooo, I decided that I would continue that... Sooo today, I put him in his crib, turned on his music, and low and behold, he cried for 1 second, and has been napping for just about an hour now.... That has given me the time to post this blog, even though I wanted to craft..... I will try and get some crafting in now!!



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