35 Weeks!!!!

A short little update....  It is HOT!  Too hot for me to deal with. I know it is summer, but this is silly, and mind you, I never complain about the cold of winter.
I had a check up yesterday at the OB.  No weight gain, perfect blood pressure, no sugar or protien in my urine, Fantastic!  Baby boy is still Breech (not too fantastic) but that is ok!  I go on Monday for my next ultrasound, they wont tell me how big he is but they will tell me what position he is in. Then I do not go back to the OB until Aug. 3rd.  eek!  I will be 37 weeks then. So it remains a waiting game.. Will he or will he not move... That is the question..... 

The nurse also gave me a swab (huge) qtip, to do my gbs swab.. Group b Strep. I knew this was coming, but I serioously and honestly thought that the Dr. or the nurse did the swab. Umm I have to do it myself?~ WHAT?! She told me the instructions were all there and I had to swab in "both" places in the forbidden land....  She must have thought I was a moron by the look on my face, but really, DO YOU NOT SEE THE SIZE OF ME??? How in the world is this going to be possible? Then she suggests that I do it at the hospital in the washroom as after you do the swab it is time sensitive to get it to the lab....   I have a wonderful "mommies" group on the internet and all of them have stated that their Dr. or Midwife did the swab for them, maybe this is a Canadian thing, or maybe just a Dr. preference, regardless, I DO NOT LIKE IT!!!!  Such is life.......  Maybe I will get Andrew to do it... EWWWW  hahahahahaha.... I think that crosses the line of "things not to do until your partner is at least 70 or older"...   I am sure I will manage...

"Love recognizes no barriers, it jumps hurdles, leaps fences, and penetrates walls to arrive at it's destination full of hope"


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