A few firsts..

So we have been trying to get back to normal after the hustle and bustle of the holidays... Normal you ask? Well ya, we don't have a normal around here, just less people....

So the other night I thought hey, lets try something new. Owie and I had a bath together. It was pretty great!  At first he as a little hesitant, not too sure what to expect, but then once he got in the tub with me he was kicking and splashing! That was his first experience in the big tub. It definitely is not going to be his last. Andrew realized last night that he no longer fits in the little baby tub that we have..... Big tub it is!! I think I will continue to bathe with him every now and then, it is really more for fun as it is difficult for me to actually wash him. It was pretty great!  I ran the tub, got in, and then Andrew handed him to me once I was settled. I kept the door open and Andrew came and got Owen once he was finished. I think Owen really enjoyed it too.

Our second first.... Owie has his first cold I believe. He is congested but not too bad. It started last week, and I really thought he wasn't going to get it, but he did.  This is where I have to promote a product.. Don't judge, read with a very open mind.

Nose Frida, the snot sucker. Yes you read it correctly, the snot sucker. Isn't that disgusting?? I sure think so, but it got your attention...
So anyways, I have one of these, and yes it is a definite must have. You can see some videos on you tube on how to use it but it is quite simple.  The blue part of the tube you put right in babe's nose, and the red part on the end of the hose you put in your mouth, AND SUCK! People are pretty grossed out by it thinking that they will actually get the gunk in their mouths, but seriously, I think you would totally pass out before it even gets close. As well there is a filter that is in the blue tube where it connects to the hose.. Anyways it really really works!! Obviously babes does not like it much, but it sure cleans him out! I think this is also a reason why he has not gotten too too sick either, as I have been cleaning him out.

And one more first.... I am pretty sure Owie cut his first tooth!!!!  Needless to say he has been teething for quite some time now like a mad man. 

Today on the way home from the grocery store he had a MAJOR meltdown in the truck, once I got home and took him out there was blood on his blanket. I looked in his mouth thinking that he had cut himself on the gums but I would not find a spot. BUT I felt and I am pretty sure the tooth has pushed through the gum. If you look you can see a little white, and it feels like it is there, SOO I guess it is!!!  This afternoon he was really happy not as fussy as he has been, so we will see!!!
It is bittersweet talking about teeth.. I am glad he is growing up, but I am also a bit sad that he is as well.  It's inevitable right???  We all grow up!



JILL said…
YA OWEN! and some people never grow up...
Jinny McCreary said…
OMG-- my little lubby has a tooth??!! He takes after his Dad in this respect. Andrew had several teeth at four months. It hurts to get teeth. I remember well when my wisdom teeth came in--I think I was about 45. Hurt like hell!!but hurt even worse when they came out a year later.

Love Grammy

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