Slowly Growing up!!!

I forgot to mention in my last post about Owie's Stats. When he went to the Doctor's last week he weighed in at 15lbs and measures 26 inches long! I believe we will have a tall boy!

So last weekend we decided to try Owie in his stroller without his car seat. It was success. He was freaked out a bit, but I think he loved it!!

We are still going to keep him in his infant carseat until I cannot bear the weight of it, as there are times when we go out that he is sleeping and it is much easier to transport him that way. But knowing that we have the option now for him to sit alone in the stroller gives us the choice. We do have his next carseat, I think we will probably wait until the spring, but we will see.

Another wonderful thing that has happened 4 times now. I say in the past month/month in a half, he has slept through the night?!  WHAT?! Yes that is true. I have put him to bed, and given him his soother once or twice when we awoke, and then he has not waken until 5:00am to eat. The first few times, I was awake all the time, as your body gets so used to the scheduled wakings (which I am EXTREMELY grateful that he has been very consistent). But last night, yes I LOVED it. I woke up once at 1:30 to go to the washroom, and he was OUT!! He woke up this morning at 5:30 to eat. THEN went back to sleep until 9:30 (which is a little longer than usual) but hey, it was great!!!
I am getting pretty high anxiety about what is to come in the next few months. Once he turns 6 months I will TRY (the key word) to transition him into his own crib in his own bedroom. I have called Public health and have an appointment next week with a public health nurse to start learning about successful strategies to do this. I know there are a few different ways that this can be done and I know some people are very adamant about how it should be done, but I think for each family it is different and a strategy needs to fit the child and the family. (And yes, I am NOT comfortable with leaving my child in a scary new place to cry it out for hours) just saying...
Solid foods are coming as well... We won't be starting any until 6 months. I know that with this as well, many people have their ideas and thoughts. I know many people who start their babies earlier than 6 months, and so be it, but I believe that babies can not digest food properly before 6 months of age, but again, I am not a pro in this area..

On Monday we picked up Andrew and went out for lunch. We started talking about daycare, and me going back to work in about 5 months, and yes, right in the middle of lunch I began to cry... Geeze, what the hell am I going to be like when it's time? But I am SOOO fortunate to have had the time, and I am also pretty pumped that when I do go back to work, I know that my boy will be in great hands, at home with his Daddy!!  With that being said, I have also put Owie on the wait list for part time daycare.. Our Plan is to have him in part time daycare (Tuesdays and Thursdays) and then be home with Dad on the other days, and Andrew go down to part time hours. This is our PLAN....... EEEK!!!!

Ohhh some other fantastic news!! One of my friends had her baby BOY on Christmas day, Can't wait to meet this little guy...... Owie has a friend!!!  AND he will have another one in the next few weeks!!! (To be honest, I am hoping for a boy too!!!)  It is soo great that he will have a few buddies!  SOO pumped!!!



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