The BIG day! and November (month 5)

So I just got the call..... Tomorrow is the big day. Tomorrow is when we do our first IUI!!!! We will do another one Thursday morning  (to sandwich ovulation!!)   I am pretty excited!!!  I am ovulating on my own!!! YAHOO !!!I have 3 mature follicles, so ya. 3 is good (I think) in the past I have only had 1, and then once I had 2, but they were still pretty small...  Now, I have 3 big ones.. That also scares me just a wee little bit. We have talked about this quite a bit recently....

I will tell you the story of this month and how we got to this point..
This cycle started and I took Femara from cycle days 3-7, then on cycle day 7 I started injections.  Andrew chickened out at the last minute to give me injections (deep down I knew he would) but that is ok, after I got over the anxiety of giving myself a needle it was NO problemo!!!!!  So I had togive myself an injection once every night. 100 IU's of Puregon. I did it in my stomach. Let me be totally honest with you.... It did not hurt, I really did not feel anything.. (I think it is because I have A LOT of extra padding). It started to hurt a wee little bit the past two nights,  but I think the general area was just getting overly sensitive.
So currently I am on cycle day 16. I started my shots on cycle day 7.  9 injections I have done.  YIKES!  But if this is what I have to do, then bring it on!!!!
After the first couple of injections I would run down the stairs all weirded out... It was like my adrenalan was in over drive... Ahhhhh needles........   (We called it elf pee!!)  hahahaha.

I had 9 ultra sounds, and 8 rounds of bloodwork... I have gone to the clinic the past 6 days in a row!!! (and will be going back tomorrow and Thursday!)
I am pretty pumped.... I know this is not a guarentee that this is going to work and I will end up pregnant, but my chances are a little better this time.... 

I had a little extra anxiety as well with timing. I am going away for a girls-scrapbook weekend to the states, and I leave on Friday, so we were hoping to get it in before I leave.. YAHOO and it is going to happen!!! Everything is good.... Now the waiting begins (well after Thursday!)  I will have to wait 2 weeks and go back for blood work to find out if it was successful. During the two weeks I will have to do those wonderful progesterone suppositories to help me out.   Ahh that is nothing!!!!!!!!!

I honestly did not believe that we would even get to this point!!!!!  YAHOOOO!!!!!  It is silly how pumped I am......  I am filled with that much Joy, knowing that my body responded well to the meds this cycle, and the chances are a bit better for success!!   YAY body!

"Being happy doe not mean that everything is perfect. It means that you have decided to look beyond the imperfections"


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