October (month 4)

Welcome month 4!  Wow, these past months have flown by!!!!!! Crazy I tell you!!!!
So this month the Dr. upped my clomid to 150mg (highest they will do) and after ovulation I will have to use progesterone for 2 weeks.
So this months stats: 5 ultrasounds, 6 rounds of blood work.
This month was a little more hopeful as I had 2 follicles YAHOO!!!!. This month I did not need the HCG trigger shot (to induce ovulation) as I surged on my own and ovulated naturally!!  YAHOO!!!!  How exciting is that!!! (It really is though... The things you take for granted.. So simple, yet so very very important!!)
So after ovulation, I had to take progesterone. Well, sounds simple and fun, but did I mention that they were suppositories? (up the hoo-hoo)  Yup!  Fantastic!   TWICE a day!! Wow, how was I ever going to do this. I obviously am not going to get into detail, don't worry!!! To be honest though, it was not that big of a deal. It was fine. So I did that for 2 weeks. This delayed my cycle so I did have to go in for blood work (pregnancy test).  Yup it was a big fat negative!! Lets get on to Month number 5!!!!

Before I had gone for the blood work, we had a review appointment with the Doctor. What are our next steps. What are our options. Hubby came to that, and asked questions!!  I love feeling that he is interested in this as well!!!!
So we have a few different options we can choose. (I already knew most of these as I eat, breath, sleep, researching fertility options etc etc) This really should be my full time job! So I will list the options.
1. Injections, femara(pill), and IUI
2. Injections and Femara
3. Femara and IUI
4. Femara
Ok. So, I have researched that if clomid does not work for you, you usually respond better to Femara. I have also researched injections. Yup, needles. YIKES!!!!!  The only thing I can say about this is that it is costly. I will talk about that in another post.......  
IUI (Interuterine insemination)  I typically refer to this as "turkey basting" this option is good though. It makes sure the "guys" are where they need to be, before the procedure, they also remove all the "not so good guys" so that the ones who are going to be there fighting for my egg(s) will be only the strong ones...... So the doctor did not make us decide right then and there, he said he would put all the options down and then when I start next cycle then I can decide.  Hubby and I left and discussions started. My serious hesitation is the amount of money that injections are going to cost. Low and behold BOTH of our benefits do not cover infertility treatments or meds. (I called a few months back to inquire)
So we were looking at approx. $1500 for my next cycle but that is approx. as we do not know how my body will respond to injections so potentially it could be soooo much more. (not including gas and mileage!!!)  Wow. That is quite a bit, and especially in the month of December. Merry Christmas!!!!  
The Doctor did recommend Injections, Femara and IUI. He stated that my chances are best with this route.  So we decided ultimately that this is what we are going to do.
When having these difficult conversations about money and treatments, brings your relationship to a whole other level. I know and have stated that hubby was supportive, but ultimately I still felt like I was in this on my own (in a sense). But today, I realized that this is definitely not the case.  He said to me that it does not matter how much it is going to cost, if this is what it is going to take then so be it. Then he said that if we were in a position where this would not be an option for us because of money that he would do anything within his ability to make it happen, borrow money, get a loan, etc etc.
At that moment I knew he wanted this as much as I did.

And to boot.... He agreed to give me my injections!!!!!
Gosh, I love him!

"Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction"


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