A Few Wonderful Things

So I wanted to write today about a few things wonderful things that I have come across in my journey.
1. Medication: Yes, I took Clomid for 3 months, and sure it sounds nice and easy, all I have to do is swallow 2 pills/day for a few days. How hard could that be?  Well let me tell you......  Even though these are little pills, these are little pills that are packed with  BIG HORMONES!!!!  AHHH seriously, want to talk about hot flashes, and really, wow, emotional???? Ya, it was not the most pleasant experience.... Luckily, I had absolutely NO side effects when I took the Femara..
2. Progesterone Suppositories: need I say more??? 
3. Now let me tell you about the kicker when it comes to fertility treatment.. My husband and I, both have benefits. Before we started down this road, I had called both benefits to follow up and see if any of this would be covered. They both replied no, nothing was covered. Ok fantastic! So this was coming out of our pockets. First three months (of treatment) not too bad. Approximately $250 (on medications) per month.  However, this month right now (meds, injections, and IUI) have cost a WHOOPING ready...............$1200.  AND  I am not finished this cycle, so potentially it will be more.  So, the injections that I am on cost me $320 for 300iu. But let me tell you if you are not familiar with these units, it is not much at all!  Small vial, with little amount of liquid... But that is mighty powerful liquid I must add!!!!

We had paid all of this out of pocket to later find out that there is some coverage available THANK GOD!! through our benefits. I had checked previously but had been told there was no coverage?! I am pretty sure though that it is only coverage for the medications and not any procedures (Hey any little bit helps!!!)  So thankfully, we have gotten reimbursed for most, and are just waiting on a few more receipts that were recently sent in!!!!!  What a huge relief of stress let me tell you.........
I am not too sure who makes the rules of what is covered and what is not. Silly I might add. I can go every month ( a few times a month) to get a massage, I can buy safety glasses, I can go to physio, I can go to a chiropractor/podiatrist, I can get medication to help quit smoking, To prevent having a baby ( birth control) but was told that I could not get assistance to make a baby. hmmmm....  Maybe it is not really the benefit-people's problem, really, such an expense to them, however, I do wonder why OHIP does not feel this is something they should cover. 
But then I have to remind myself that "Sometimes the 'whys' are not important" 

And what is it that they say.......  "just relax and it will happen".   

Too funny.

"Reality is the #1 cause of insanity among those who are in contact with it"


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