Lies Lies Lies........

Have I mentioned how much I dislike lies and liars alike..  Horrible. I can never understand why people feel they need to lie. Whether it be about what they did last night, how much money they make, who they talk to, etc etc. I could never get it, really, I am a very upfront and honest person. But lately this has not been the case, I have found myself in a web of lies and I HATE it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So when we decided to start this journey, we decided that we would not share this with anyone. (except one) We chose this for SO many different reasons. When you are struggling to start a family, honestly, the last thing you need to hear is "so, are you pregnant yet???    Here I read this in a magazine,  I bet if you just do this then........... You just need to let it happen...... Maybe you are not ready yet.....  I think the doctor is wrong........ Why are you wasting all of this money...........You are still so young........" etc etc etc.  I am sure you get it. And the other reason why we decided not to share this with anyone is because, really, this is personal, and it involves only us, so really no need to talk to about it to anyone else. Sure writing a blog you are sharing what is going on, However, the time I decide that I will share this, we will not be in the middle of it.
I do know as well, once we do decide to share our story that there may be some people who are a little bit hurt, I hope that you do end up understanding the place we were in.

So since this is TOP secret, we get stuck sometimes and having to tell LIES!!! AHHH it is horrible......  The first one started in the summer when we were going on a family trip to the states....  Had to make up a story why we showed up so early........ Then there was another time in the summer when my sister-in-law and her husband spent the night, and we got up at 5:30 and were out of the house by 6:30 because we "wanted to miss the traffic on our last day of vacation" but really, I had a 7:30 appointment to get my follicles checked!!! HA!
other lies I have been caught up in..... We bought a new truck in July. Fantastic!!!!!!  However only 4 months later, and I have over 15 000km on it. Don't average people put that on their vehicles over a year??????  So ya, I have been travelling Ohh so much for work, nah, not really....  The majority of that is from all my appointments in Burlington and Mississauga.

The topper to the lies was this weekend..... It was Andrew's birthday!!!!!!!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 
We had a weekend of fun planned..... We were going to go downtown Toronto and spend Friday night and Saturday night, do some shopping, and then hit the one of a kind craft show on Sunday, then head to Oakville for birthday dinner. Well, geeze, my body decided to respond well to the injections, and I had to go for appointment Saturday morning to get checked, and then was told I had to go Sunday morning as well. The kicker here is, my clinic is not open on Sundays so I had to go to Mississauga. It was two fold... One side, i was pretty bummed that our weekend was ruined, but on the other side, that is FANTASTIC that my body is responding and I figured it is all for the greater good!   So now, all of our changing plans....  Lets try to explain that to family. So of course, I am the brains of the operation!!!!  I had to make up some story as to why we did not end up going, and really it was not a good story. And then when I told the so-called-story to my sister in law, well, she is not dumb. Not too sure what she thought at the time, but I am sure she questioned it....
(Thank you Andrew for spending your birthday weekend at appointments with me)
AHHHH I feel so dirty!!!!!!  hahaha, lies lies lies........ But when i think of the other side of it, I think I rather feel this way, then be bombarded with questions, and suggestions, and not necessarily a whole lot of optimism. 
When we got married, we went ahead and did it and then told everyone after. At first I felt guilty, but I got over that......... Hoping to do the same thing with this situation...

I truly am sorry for lying. I hope you can forgive me.

"Sometimes it is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is for permission"


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