Getting Personal.......

So I have decided to get a little personal and share my story of what is going on in my world right now. I have been debating whether or not I should share, but I figure, right now, my blog is private, so no one can read any of this right now. Maybe one day in the future I will share this with people in my life. But right now, this is just for me......
So I want to write a bit about me, and what is going on with me..  (Damn, how selfish is that?!@) hahaha....     Anyways I want to talk about   PCOS   (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).
Well this is something that I have.   I have had it, pretty much since I was a kid, grade 6 I believe, however was not formally diagnosed until April 2010.  
What is PCOS???????
PCOS is an endocrine disorder,   hormones are all a mess, cysts on the ovaries, many many other issues.....    I will post a link here for more information on PCOS

Here is a little youtube video made for PCOS.    This is me, except, I am not 15!  (The girl who made this)

Fortunately I do not struggle with some of the symptoms (excess hair all over body, skin tags,  absence of menstrual periods)  Unfortunately I do struggle with (thinning hair, Acanthosis Nigricans  "Dirty Skin",  obesity, infrequent periods,  infertility, many many cysts in ovaries, (one month it was 26 in one ovary and 28 in the other!!) and acne, (only sometimes) Hormonal moodiness (excessive!!!)
I can go back to when I was in Grade 6. I remember being in the bathroom looking in the mirrors and a friend of mine asked me why my neck was dirty, I told her I washed it, but I really had no clue why my neck looked dirty (and it always has........  I ALWAYS wear a necklace to try to hide it)....
I struggled in my teenaged years with my menstrual cycles.. I was put on birth control at age 15 because the focus was to regulate my cycles.....  (and it did!!)
I was on birth control pills for about 10-11 years. Things seemed fine (other than rapid weight gain, difficulty loosing weight, and hair loss began in university)....
I just figured with the weight issues, that I was just a typical fatty, someone who will just have to work on the weight her whole life. But then I did not realize that even when I do work on it (exercise eat right etc etc) that still is not enough..........
I went to a dermatologist to discuss the thinning of my hair, we checked hormones and he said everything was fine, I had male pattern baldness, please go on rogaine.    I was not too inclined to go on rogaine well for so many different reasons........ And I did not. He would not discuss any other options with me as he wanted me to try rogaine.  Needless to say I never went back to him.  
There was a long length of time where I was without a family Dr. I went to walk in clinics. I remember a nurse one year while I was having my physical done asking if I had ever heard of PCOS. I told her I had and read about it and honestly thought that I had it, but of course I am not a Doctor, and I just felt I was self diagnosing, and really I don't want to be one of those people who think that they have all the answers.
So the majority of women dx with PCOS typically find out they have PCOS when they decide to start a family....  Low and behold, that is what happened in my situation........
I was off of the birth control pill for 2 years, no luck (but we were not officially trying) then we started tracking and trying and nothing....... My cycles were all a mess, I would have my period for month straight and then nothing for 3-4 months....... I went to my family Doctor to discuss this with her.
After I explained everything to my doctor about what had been going on and my menstrual history, she asked me one question........  Do you want to regulate your cycles, or do you want to get pregnant?? 

I chose the latter........

"You will never reach your goal until you start to take action, any action."    


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